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![]() Enchanter
![]() Enchanters are one of the most interesting professions in all of Norrath. While wizards dish damage, magicians create things and necromancers delve with the dead an enchanters role is not as readily apparent. Enchanters encompass a wide range of spell types including charm spells, enchanting items(for jewelcrafting), illusions, buffs and debuffs. They are often overlooked by many players however I can assure you that once you have grouped with a high level enchanter you will never want to be without one.
When creating an enchanter there are only two abilities that you really need worry about. First and foremost is the obvious intelligence. More intelligence equals more mana and more mana is a good thing. The secondary trait is charisma. Charisma helps the duration and succes rate of charm spells. I would recommend you max out your intelligence and put any remaining points into charisma.
Enchanter skills are standard mage fare. You will not have many special skills though you can look forward to dodge at level 22, research at level 16 and specialization at level 20.
The important thing to remember about enchanters is that your not going to get really interesting until later levels. A lot of players give up on enchanters in the first four levels. They see that enchanter spells get resisted a bit more often than other classes and that it's quite easy to die in this level range and often abandon the class altogether and try out a different class. As it will become apparent by the end of this article however enchanters are a unique class whose abilities can greatly benefit a party. Let's delve into the different types of enchanter spells:
Perhaps the most famous of enchanter spells are the illusion line of spells. These spells allow you appear as a different being. Minor illusion is one of my favorites as it will make you appear as an object in the area. For example depending on location you can appear to be a house, a rock or a gigantic najena door. This is very interesting for PVE(and is fun to mess with people with) and can be a lifesaver in PVP play. The other illusion spells allow you to take the shape, form and characteristics of different races. Say for example you are a dark elf hated in human cities you could assume the form of a human and walk around the city as an accepted member of the society. This is just the tip of the iceberg however. You also can use the special abilities of that particular race. Let's say you wanted to regenerate faster after a long battle you could assume the form of a troll, larger beings can bash, etc. You could assume the form of an element and walk a dungeon in piece if it's denizens accept elements. This indeed is a great line of spells.
Another great line of enchanter spells is the calming line of spells. These spells allow your party to fight a single monster rather than two or three at once. This is a neccessity if you do not have a monk or a shadowknight fetching for you at higher levels. The calm line of spells are used before combat. You can cast these spells on all of the monsters in a group then pick out the nearest one and hope the others do not join in.
The mesmerize line of spells are similar to calm yet they work during combat. Calm will not work once a monster has become agitated however mesmerize will. You will need to cast it multiple times during a battle as its duration is short. However if you had a bad pull it is a great way to allow your party to deal with less mobs at once.
Enchanters can summon pets in the form of Animations. These pets are quite useful though they are limited in comparison to the pets of a magician or necromancer. You will not be able to issue commands to your pet. It will basically follow you around and fight what you fight. This is not a major problem but it would be nice to be able to command your servant.
Let's go ahead and get to the nitty gritty of any class, the ability to dish damage. This is one area where enchanters are often under estimated. Enchanters can cast both damage over time(dot) and direct damage offensive spells. Their direct damage spells will never rival that of a wizards but they are rather decent considering all the other things that an enchanter can do. Combine those with their damage over time spells and an enchanter can fill in as a nuker quite nicely.
Enchanters gain the ability to cast invisibilty at level 4 the earliest of any class. Not only can they cast this spell on themselves but also on others as well. This is an extremely useful spell especially on the PVP server.
Perhaps enchanters most famous line of spells is the charm spells. This is yet another way that enchanters can help in those rough battles. Not only does a charmed monster equal one less mob that you have to contend with but it can be a very powerful party member as well. Enchanters gain the ability to charm at an early level 12.
It only makes sense that enchanters are likewise the best at canceling charm as well. Enchanters taper/strip enchantment line of spells allow you to not only cancel one spell effect at a time but several at once. This is very important if you have multiple players charmed in a tough battle.
Enchanters have a large variety of utility spells as well. At level 8 you will be able to grant see invisibility to other players. At level 12 you will be able to cast infravision and water breathing. These are all very useful at their respective levels. You gain the ability to root at level 8 and cast ultravision at level 34.
One other useful spell attained at early levels is the fear line of spells(beginning at level 4). These spells will allow you to get rid of unwanted foes for a short period of time. Be careful with this spell however as a feared monster may bring back some friends on his way back to the fight, and he WILL return.
This is where memory blur comes in. Memory blur will reset a monsters aggro list. This means that if you agitated a beast he will now forget about you and everyone else. Without this spell you would have to zone or kill the beast or else he would continually be searching for you.
Enchanters also excel in stun spells. Stun spells will interupt a caster and will prevent melee classes from attacking during the period of the stun. They will also prevent monsters from running temporarily.
Enchanters are the only class you can enchant metals which is essential to jewelcrafting. This ability combined with their high intelligence makes enchanters the ideal jewelcrafters. Jewelcrafting can produce some excellent magical necklaces, facemasks, bracelets, rings and earrings and should not be taken lightly.
The area where enchanters really excel in however is buffs and debuffs. They get good spells and they get a lot of them. The majority of the other enchanter spells are of the buff/debuff nature and the more popular lines will all be covered below.
The first of the buff/debuff spells you will receive are the level one weaken and strengthen spells. Strengthen will of course increase the strength of yourself or a party member and weaken will take it away(from a monster). These can be rather useful at low levels.
Level 4 will see the first of your tradional(armor class) buffs in the form of the haze spell. This line of spells will be upgraded every couple circles(beginning with the level 12 mist). These spells may not be able to rival those of a cleric but they are useful nonetheless if you are the only buffer in a party.
The tashan line of spells is perhaps the best debuff an enchanter(or any class) can cast in a group heavy with magic users. These spells lower your opponents magic resistance. This is important as it will allow your party to cast direct damage(or other harmful) spells on the beast with less fear of their spells being resisted or partially resisted. This is especially important if you are fighting red or yellow opponents.
The disempower line of spells will reduce your opponents strength, armor class and stamina making it a very useful spell during combat. Your tanks will love you for it.
The berserker strength spells can be cast on your team members in sticky situations. This spell trades 20 strength for 20 agility. At first this will seem like a bad idea however it also grants temporary invulnerability from attacks. You chain casting this spell you can make your team members untouchable and strong.
Speaking of invulnerability let's not forget the rune line of spells. Rune spells grant a player invulnerability for a certain amount of hit points. The only downfall is that they require a reagent making them expensive to cast and forcing you to be judicious about when to use these spells. However if your healers are out of mana and your tank is dying this spell can be a lifesaver.
The quickness->alacrity->haste line of spells increase a players rate of attack. Faster attacks = more damage over the course of a fight. These spells have a decent duration as well allowing you to cast this on the tanks then med away while your party reaps the rewards.
While you can increase your parties rate of attack you can also decrease a monsters with the languid pace line of spells. The slower a monster swings the less damage it will do to your tanks saving the priests mana and giving your tank a sense of security.
Not all of your spells revolve around helping the tanks in your party however. You can also clear the minds of your casters allow them to increase their mana regeneration. This spell alone ensures an enchanter will always be in heavy demand at higher levels.
By this point you should have a good idea of just how powerful and interesting the enchanter class truly is. You will not have the glory of dishing 1100 points a pop like a wizard, or the glory of wearing shiny metal armor like most melee classes. The enchanters deeds often can go unnoticed in the course of a battle. However the party will notice the benefits of an enchanter when they are no longer around. Many high level parties will not leave home without one and with good reason.
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