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"Knowledge is something to be shared, so
that others may pass it along"

1) The Sterling welcomes all classes and races from the world of Norrath. You must be a good natured soul, who is not afraid to help others. Being of this good nature you will agree and abide to all guild policies. As a member your deeds will be good, and you will help lower level players any chance you get.

2) Always display your guild name with pride, one should not talk bad about the guild. This creates dissension in the ranks. If a player has a situation that demands attention, an officer of the guild will be notified.

3) As a member of The Sterling a member will always play with honor and pride. A willingness to help and guide other players is also required. In fact as a member of The Sterling a portion of your time in Norrath will be dedicated to helping lower members. Whether this be with a quest, or with general fighting is up to the individual players. Although on occasion you may be asked by an officer to assist another player, or group of players.

4) Members are encouraged to group with guild members, however it is always are policy to accept none guild members in our group. As our motto is to help and assist other players.

5) No profit should be made from another guild member. Items should be sold at face value, or given to other guild members.

6) A bank has been formed for this guild. All items once placed in this account can be borrowed, however they must be returned when you are finished. As Well, funds may be borrowed from this account, but again they must also be returned. The items in this account are the property of the guild as a whole.

7) Characters at any level may be admitted to this guild. We have no level restrictions, these new players are expected to be helped and guided as much as possible. This will allow them to advance more quickly and thus becoming valuable guild members.

8) We are a peaceful guild whose purpose is to help others. Fighting inside the ranks is forbidden, all arguments will be taken to an officer of the guild to settle. War with other guilds will happen, we expect this. As not all guilds will believe in the same things we do. Do not hesitate to let an officer no if you are being bothered/pestered or anything relating to it, by someone in another guild. We do not tolerate dissension in our ranks and we will not tolerate it from other guilds.

9) All useful items that players are using and that are not borrowed from the bank should be passed down to lower level members to use. If you feel the item is useful, you may also wish to put it the guild bank. Once this is done the item becomes the sole property of the guild. If you are dismissed from the guild you do not get this item back.


A) The player wanting to the join the guild must be sponsored by another guild member, who has been with us for at least 10 days.

B) This player will the be introduced to an officer of the guild who will then play with them for a period of time(this time varies from player to player).

C) Once the officer feels that they have gathered enough information from a player, they will be introduced to at least 2 other officers of the guild and our leader.

D) At this point a vote will be taken and the player will be notified, if a player is not accepted into the guild, they are not allowed to join again in the future.

E) Players may join at any level, but they may not be of higher level then the leader or generals of this guild.

F) If you decide that you would like to leave the guild and office must be notified. At that point everything will be explained to you.

G) New members do not have access to the bank, they will also be watched very closely, to make sure that they abide by the guilds rules and policies.

H) Guild members who have real life friends wanting to join will always be given special consideration, although the same rules as written above, apply.

I) The breaking of the above said rules may lead to penalties such as: Dismissal, public apologies, suspensions from the guild, or ultimately what the leader and officers of the guild decide. A council of at least 3 guild officers and the leader will make the final decision.

J) These rules also include the ones that have been laid out by Everquest.