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Medals of Honor
The Sterling are pleased to be able to announce that they have medals for its most honored members. If you know of another member who deserves one of these honors please do not hesitate to let us know. The leader of The Sterling and or an officer will review this submission. If it is deemed that a member is to be honored, it will be announced to all members of the guild.

If you would like to recommend another member for an award, please submit your recommendation HERE.

Order of The Heart
This is the highest honor that can be bestowed upon a member. A member of the guild who has received this medal, has performed a selfless act.
They are a kind and caring person who gives without thinking of themselves. Let there acts of kindness be known throughout the land of Norrath.
Order of The Blade
This honor is  bestowed upon a warrior of great skill...a master. The member who has  this medal have been honored in battle. There skill and cunning in battle is unmatched.
They are known throughout the land of Norrath as cunning masters of the blade.
Order of The Land
The bearer of this award has exceptional knowledge of the land known as Norrath. This guild members mapping skills are a sought out asset among others members of the guild.
If you need to get somewhere in this world, a member who wears this medal is the one to ask for directions.

Order of The Light
This award goes to someone who has died in battle to save another member of the guild. This is truly a selfless act and the member who wears this medal is an honored member of the guild.
Let all know that a member who wears this medal, is a friend and one you can count on.
Order of The Hand
This honor goes to a guild member, who is unique. In the land of Norrath, time can sometimes go by rather slowly. This medal goes to a member who has been known to be a person who one likes to pass the time with. This member is always known for being positive and supportive. It should be known that if you have a long camp ahead of you, this is the person to have along. They will keep you amused for sure.
Order of The Crow
This medal goes to a member who has had, well, an accident. This is no insult friends, it should be awarded as these things do happen.
Let it be known that this member has had a bad accident. Are they safe to travel with?
This member is the safest to travel with by far, have you ever heard of lightning striking in the same place twice?