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Whats Hitsmode? - This should be very useful

/Hitsmode is a function in EverQuest which allows you to place melee combat messages elsewhere on your screen besides the main chat window. You have to be logged in the game to perform this function, and the best way to do this is to experiment in an area where there are easy to kill creatures, such as in Newbie zones.

The Basic Usage of this option is activated like this: /hitsmode <ME/MY/OTHER> <ON/OFF/M2/M3/M4/M5> <X> <Y> <COUNT> <FONTSIZE> <HEADER> <BG> <WIDTH>
First you have to select what “hits” you want to see in your options. To do that, go to windowed mode by hitting F10, clicking on Options then select what you want to see. “Misses” will continue to display in the main chat window.

The first switch <me/my/other> configures whose hits are shown.
ME are hits on you: You have been hit by Mob for 15 points of damage.

MY are the hits you make on others: You hit Mob for 15 points of damage.

OTHER are hits that others make: Jebobtik hits Mob for 15 points of damage.

The second switch <on/off/m2/m3/m4/m5> determines what you see on your box.
ON/OFF allows you to turn /Hitsmode on or off for the above switches (ME/MY/OTHER) without having to go into Options.

M2 = Full text: You hit Mob for 15 points of damage.

M3 = Leaves out the name of the person hitting: hit Mob for 15 points of damage.

M4 = Damage only: 15 damage

M5 = Numeric damage only: 15 (only valid for MY attacks. If M5 is specified the other ME and OTHER, M4 will be displayed.)

The third and fourth switches <X> <Y> determine placement of these boxes. X and Y are coordinates on your screen. 0,0 is the top left corner. 800,600 is the bottom right corner (assuming your screen resolution is 800 x 600)

The fifth switch <COUNT> determines the number of lines of text (1 – 10) you will see and hence, the height of your text box.

The sixth switch <FONTSIZE> determines the size of the font. Default is 1. Range is 0 - 2

The seventh switch <HEADER> is optional, but useful if you have more than one /hitsmode box. It places a title on that particular /hitsmode box you are configuring. 1 = On, 0 = Off.

The eighth switch <BG> turns the background color on or off. 1 = On, 0 = Off

The ninth and final switch <WIDTH> is the width of the background. In 800 x 600 mode, 800 would be the entire length of the screen.

Other comments:
The box will fade if not in use, unless the final switch is a 1. That will “force draw” the box.
You cannot move the box by dragging it. You have to change the X & Y values.
Values are stored in eqclient.ini so you can make changes off-line
Only one type of hit per box. I.e. ME/MY or OTHER. You can however, make more boxes by re-typing the command line and changing the type of hit and the coordinates so they don’t end up on top of each other. It’s probably a good idea to turn the Header on until you get used to where the boxes are.

/hitsmode my m2 300 200 4 1 1 1 1
/hitsmode me m2 200 200 4 1 1 1 1

Will return two different text boxes on your screen. The first showing my hits, the other showing hits on me. Full text of the “hit” message, 4 lines of text, font size of 1, header on, background on, and the boxes will always remain drawn.

Message font RGB colors can be changed off-line in the eqclient.ini file or you can change the colors while online, using:
ME: /usercolor 11 R G B
MY: /usercolor 10 R G B
OTHER: /usercolor 24 R G B