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The Dungeon
This page has been added out of necessity friends. If you have found an enemy in Norrath, or if someone has been just plain nasty, you can tell others about them here. Spread the word about this vile person so that all our members no there name, and the evil act they committed! Submit the information about this person HERE.


Hello my friends. This is to warn you all of a fellow by the name of Heagan. He is a Dwarf Cleric. A fellow commrade had fallen inside of Infected Paw. I went out into SK to shout for a rezz. He answered said he would do it. He must have literally been running by because within 10 sec's he was there. To my delight he had his epic weapon. Then he proceeded to tell me that he was charging a fee of 50pp to rezz my commrade. I then told him I had 20pp and my friend would give him breeze he then told me it was best to just fight to get back the lost experience and left the scene. I found this very rude. I am not a rich wizard by anymeans and 50pp is a lot of cash for me. When I told my guild about it, a guild member said he was in market channel charging a 100pp per rezz. OUTRAGEOUS!! I am first one to compensate someone if I ask them to go out of their way and will offer whatever I have on me. But he answered me and was right there already. 50pp for a no mana rezz? how rude!!
Be warned! He will not get help from me friends!!
Wynkin Tynkintott