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Join Us
So, you would like to become a member of this guild. Well friend we would be happy to have you among our ranks. Of course we will have to meet you and get to no you a little better, but once we have done that, the rest is quit simple.

If you have not done so already friend, please read our charter. If you like what you have read, then please continue.

Please send us an email letting us know your name and email address so we can setup a time to meet in EQ. Your time zone and when you generally play would also be nice, but it is not necessary. We can send you everything that we will need to setup a meeting.

You may play with anyone of our officers, of course they will be helping you in most cases, so this is a good thing anyway. They will get to know you a little better, adventure with you for awhile.

If everything goes well, our leader will be notified and you will meet him. He may want to adventure with you, consider this a blessing. Ultimately the final decision is his, but if he accepts you....well, lets just say it should be happy day for you.

So if you think you are up to it, click HERE