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Thursday July 4th - SPLIT BETWEEN 2 WORLDS
Well friends, I have seen something and I have been amazed, to say the least. You may have all heard of Anarchy Online, maybe not. Anyway I tried the free download and 7 day trial! All I can say is OH MY GOD! This game not only looks amazing but it plays like nothing you have seen before. It is sort of a Blade Runner feel to it, and kind Star Wars-ish. It plays very much like EQ, so most of you will find it familiar. I will be playing this game for awhile, so you may not see me around in EQ.
I hope some of you download and play Anarchy Online, you won't be disappointed!! I am not giving up EQ, but this game is going to take most of my time for awhile. Please everyone follow the link and download and play this game, it's FREE to download.
Here is my info in the game and where I am playing. I have also started a new forum for people who are coming over to try it. So you can let others no. Some may like and some may not, but it is definitely worth checking out!
I am playing on - RUBI-KA 1
Occupation - Soldier
Name - Mordamage
Thursday 20th 2002- NEW LOOK!!
Well as you may have noticed, I have changed the look of the main page. It is always the hardest page to design, and really it is always changing. I have tried this new look to make it easier to navigate the site, and add more content if needed. I always like to hear feedback, so if you have a comment or suggestion, please send it HERE. I hope you like the new look, but of course if the reception is bad I will change it again. I only want to make you happy friends!

Hail Friends!! Well we have many new members, but alas we are still either missing information on them, or we don't have them listed at all. I tried to make it easy to post and change information, but if it needs changing just let me know friends! If you know of someone who is not listed please let them know. The reason we would like this information updated is so that other members no who they can group with and who we have among our ranks. It is also handy when we are planning a raid. Pictures are not as important as the information, but they are a nice touch!! So spread the word friends!!

Well, last night a bunch of our members raided Castle Mistmoore. It was a great success and everyone that attended had a great time!  There were a lot of nice items that were looted, and the platinum was quit nice to!!  The death toll was also rather low last night, yes we had a few members die, but I don't think anyone died twice. That is always a good thing, and with our friends casting REZ there was nothing to worry about. Thanks to all that attended, and of course there will be many more raids down the road!!

Tuesday June 6th 2002 - ALMOST THERE!
Hello again friends!! Well let me thank you for posting your information and spreading the word. Plus who wants to have there old level posted for everyone to see! Hehe! If you want to have your picture posted(and who doesn't) be sure to send that as well. Get another member to snap a photo of you if you have to!! I think we may also be missing members, please let them know they  should post there information if you see them!
***A message to all Officers*** When you invite a new member be sure to let them know about the site and that they should send there info, and hey why not snap a photo of them to!
One other note friends!! I have only received one screenshot! (Thanks Wynkin!!) If you have any send them in friends! Other members love to see places they have been or will be going in the future!! Who doesn't like a dead Giant! Hehe! Be well friends!

Friday May 31st 2002 - HELP NEEDED
As you can see from the members section we are missing members and information on them. Please help spread the word friends, if you see someone be sure to mention it to them. I am sure we would all like to see everyone listed,  and with a screenshot of them. Oh yes, sorry for the ads on the forum section, they will be removed shortly. Once again Zairith comes through with the funds!!

Monday May 27th 2002 - ESTATE OF UNREST RAIDED!!
Well we raided the Estate of Unrest friends and things went, well, ok. We had a few casualties, in fact I think everyone died at least once. Some of us died more then once (poor Zan), and we did not manage to get the items that we where there for. All that said, it was fun and I know everyone had a good time. Although when I left they where still looking for Galdiians corpse. Apparently he went LD and ended up at his bind spot, and his body went missing!! LOL Looking forward to many more!! Get the photos of the event HERE!

Sunday May 26th 2002 - GROWING FAST!!
We are growing fast friends, hehe word must be spreading. Please feel free to assist a lower member of our guild and please welcome them with open arms. Remember our charter is to help other members...

Wednesday May 22 2002 - GOOD NEWS!!
It's very good news indeed friends, we have finally gotten approval. Some of us already have the Sterling in our name, and some do not. If you have not gotten it yet you can see a guild officer or a leader to get tagged. For a list of guild officers see the member page friends. I am so happy we have finally formed and we have many great adventures ahead!! Visit this site everyday for the latest news!

Saturday May 18th 2002 - POSSIBLE 10 DAY WAIT?
Yes, you heard me right friends. Quilark asked a GM and that was the answer. I cannot believe it myself but they said it can take up to ten days. 10 days? That seems a bit long to me to friends. All I can say is I hope it is not 10 business

Friday May 17th 2002 - IS TODAY THE DAY?
I think it is friends, I hope that today is the day. It has to be, there were only 3 guilds left and we were one of them!!

Wednesday May 15th 2002 - WE ARE GETTING THERE!

We have Initial Approval!! Almost there, anytime now it will happen friends. Be patient friends, I know it is hard...hahaha I will post it here when I hear the news.


Tuesday May 14th 2002 - NO NEWS YET!

No news yet friends on the approval of the guild. Rest assured we will be approved! It is only a matter of time!!


Monday May 13th 2002 - THE STERLING FORM

Yes it has happened friends, The Sterling have officially formed!! All 10 of us showed up for this great event. All went well and we had no problems forming the guild. Well except when Heneman forgot to
Thank you for all our friends who showed up, many great adventures await us!!! Oh...and the treasures, oh my the treasures!!